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Install the KNDP command-line


  1. Linux-based operating system. This script is designed for Linux-based operating systems, specifically tested on Ubuntu.
  2. Internet access for package downloads.
  3. Kubernetes engine installed locally, supported: KinD, k3s, k3d

Installing from GitHub Releases

Install the latest version of the KNDP command-line via shell script by downloading the install script from KNDP GitHub Releases. Downloading packages requires both the version and CPU architecture (linux-amd64).

curl -Lo ./kndp.tar.gz "$VERSION/kndp-$VERSION-$ARCH.tar.gz"; tar -xf ./kndp.tar.gz; rm ./kndp.tar.gz
sudo mv ./kndp /usr/local/bin/kndp

Verify installation

kndp --version