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Command Reference

Welcome to the official documentation for the KNDP Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool!

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started with KNDP CLI, including:

  • Basic Usage: Learn the fundamental commands and options available in KNDP CLI.
  • Installation: Install KNDP CLI on your system quickly and easily.
  • Uninstallation: Remove KNDP CLI from your system if you no longer need it.

Let's dive in! 🏊‍♀️

Available commands

Usage: kndp <command>

Kubernetes Native Development Platform CLI.

For more details open

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-D, --debug Enable debug mode
--version Print version information and quit

help Show help.

environment (env) KNDP Environment commands
create Create an Environment
[<name>] Name of environment.
delete Delete an Environment
<name> Name of environment.
copy Copy an Environment to another destination context
<source> Name source of environment.
<destination> Name destination of environment.
list List of Environments

configuration (cfg) KNDP Configuration commands
apply Apply Crossplane Configuration.
<link> Link URL to Crossplane configuration to be applied to Environment.
list Apply Crossplane Configuration.
delete Delete Crossplane Configuration.
<configuration-url> Specifies the URL of configuration to be deleted from Environment.

resource (res) KNDP Resource commands
create Create an XR
<type> XRD type name.
list List of XRs
apply Apply an XR

registry (reg) Packages registy commands
create Create registry
list List registries
delete Delete registry

install-completions Install shell completions

provider KNDP Provider commands
install Install Crossplane Provider.
<provider-url> Provider URL to Crossplane provider to be installed to Environment.
list Install Crossplane Provider.

Run "kndp <command> --help" for more information on a command.

We encourage you to explore and experiment with KNDP CLI to discover all its capabilities. 🧑‍💻